Warm Weather Woes

Snowman shedding a tear as it melts in the sun.

Well folks, I've waited as long as possible to see if Mother Nature was going to change her tune and unfortunately, she seems pretty set on keeping things on the warmer side for the near future. Here's the forecast for the next week or so:

Weather forecast for November 13th-25th

Snowmaking weather isn't forecast to return until Tuesday the 21st which isn't going to give us enough time to prepare the slopes to open on the 23rd as originally scheduled. As a result, we are forced to delay our opening date and I don't have enough confidence in the forecast to declare an updated opening date just yet. The good news is that starting on the 23rd the long-range forecast is showing ideal temperatures for round-the-clock snowmaking. With any luck that won't change and we'll be skiing and riding by December 1st!

Cross your fingers that the forecast holds true and we've got the temps to flex our guns. I'll be sure to keep you updated as snowmaking progresses and will let you know as soon as possible when we're going to be firing up the lifts for the season. Our plan remains to start the season at Black River Basin with lifts turning Friday through Sunday through the 17th before transitioning to our standard operations. 


We appreciate those of you who purchased your tickets or booked a stay with us in advance. Unfortunately, we can't control the weather, despite our best efforts. Our reservations team is happy to assist you in rebooking your visit for another time this season or can process a refund if you don't plan to visit us any other time this season. We're extending our opening weekend ski and stay packages through the 17th of December so I encourage you to rebook for one of the following weeks. The team has already begun reaching out to those of you who had pre-booked to begin that process. Please be patient with them as they work through the list and feel free to give them a call at (906) 229-5134 if you aren't hearing from them as soon as you'd like. 

I sincerely hope we'll see you soon!

- Benjamin